pflogr's primary purpose is to get pf logs to a remote host quickly and reliably. packets are first queued on the firewall (in /var/pfqueue), then sent to a postgresql database. they are not removed from the queue unless the sql insert was successful. once they are in the database, they are decoded. i also threw in a bit of php (screenshot) to view them with.
i've successfully run pflogr on openbsd 3.2 and 3.3. i use ipsec between the firewall and the database server to secure that traffic.
presently, this assumes you are comfortable with managing your openbsd system, and postgresql. work in progress ;), comments are welcome. email me via sourceforge, or derek at helloworld dot sh.
on the database server:
- required packages: postgresql, p5-DBI, and p5-DBD-Pg
- from cpan, install NetPacket
- drop into /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/NetPacket
- create the postgresql database and user
- install pl/pgsql for that new database (or in template1 before creating it)
- be sure that the firewall and web server are allowed to connect to the database
- load the dbschema into your new database (psql dbname dbuser <dbschema)
- put pfdecode somewhere like /usr/local/sbin and modify its db connection info
- start pfdecode (can be run as anybody)
on the firewall:
- required packages: postgresql, p5-DBI, and p5-DBD-Pg
- install -d -o root -g wheel -m 600 /var/pfqueue
- build pfdump (gcc -lpcap -o pfdump pfdump.c)
and put it somewhere like /usr/local/sbin
(ignore the mktemp warning, see todo: section below)
- place pfinsert in the likes of /usr/local/sbin and modify its db connection info
- start pfdump and pfinsert
on the web server:
- required packages: php4-core, php4-pgsql
- put pfview.php into your htdocs and modify its db connection info
- have pfdump.c and pfinsert run as 2 different non-root users. then i can drop the file locking methods in favor of a chown or chmod. in turn, i can then use mkstemp. this will take care of that compile warning ;)
- have pfdecode (or maybe a separate script) handle deleting aged information from the decoded area of the database. also, come up with a nice way to regenerate such data from the raw table.
- get granular with database permissions so that all programs involved can only do as much as they need.
- pfviewer.php should be much cooler
- make use of schemas in postgresql to handle multiple firewalls
- make this web page less ugly
- support mysql